Self-Care is not being indulgent

If you take the time to self care your self-confidence will soar. You will give out positive vibes that others will be attracted to. Learn to be more self-aware and comfortable in your own skin. Get some helpful self-care tips.

You should already be doing these acts of self-care

Take a step back from your life on a regular basis. Take a long hard review of your own physical, emotional and mental health. You need to give yourself some self-loving. Here are some ideas where to dwell.
Cut out the rubbish. Sometimes you need to press the reset button and concentrate on your necessities instead of the meaningless and usually empty BS that chews your time and energy. It makes you love and enjoy yourself even less.
Start each day with a self-care moment before you get out of bed. Take a deep breath. Breathing deep is one of the best ways to lower stress – it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. You brain will then slow the heart rate and decrease the blood pressure. Yes meditate if you wish.
Turn off all the online stuff. We are slaves to these devices and the instant gratification they provide through social media. Our relationships suffer when you interact with your screens all the time. To maintain a healthy emotional state, you need strong interpersonal relationships with other people regardless of your age. You might need to do this in small stages.
Allow yourself free time – escape physically as time allows. Even short breaks can be very beneficial.
Get some sun – it improves your mood.
Look inside yourself. Look at all the good things that have and are happening in your life – it is really going pretty well. There are many folks who are doing life much harder.
Be alone with yourself and love it. Now for some people this will be a challenge. I always find going out to dinner with me is a bit of an issue. This is really small steps – you need to feel comfortable in your own skin.
Be grateful – do it every day – see how life can look different from another perspective. Write it down and review your comments on a regular basis.